Friday 22 July 2016

Attitudes That Can Improve Your Future As An Entrepreneur

To effectively and successfully develop yourself as an entrepreneur you have to be prepared to improve on some of your attitudes and habits which in turn can boost your chances of having a successful business.
In this article, we shall discuss various attitudes and habits that can make your business grow and make you a successful entrepreneur.

  • Plan how you spend your money/profit:

Making money is the easy part but planning how to spend ones money, income or profit has proven to be the difficult part as many young entrepreneurs do not or are unable to plan how they spend the money got from their business effectively, hence, at the end of the month, they find it difficult to recall how the money was spent. It is advisable to map out ways on how to spend your money/profit received from your business so that you don’t spend all right away.

  • Wake up and start your Business early:

Most successful entrepreneurs are always the first to open for business and with growing daily competition, it is advisable to open your business early and on time as customers will know that you are serious minded and ready for business, therefore will be willing to patronize you regularly.
So stop dozing and stretching on your bed but get up on time for business and earn some extra cash.

  • Save your Income regularly:

No matter how little you earn or make in your business, it is always advisable to save extra cash to ensure the smooth running and survival of the business. Don’t think of saving when you have made big money but start saving the little you have today. It is advisable to open a separate account for your business which is different from your personal savings account. This helps you to plan and distinguish what money is for your personal use and what is meant for the business.

  • Don’t spend more than you have earned:

A lot of businesses that crumble are guilty of spending more than they earned. For example, if you earned let’s say N100,000 from your business, don’t spend all at once to the extent of buying goods on credit because when the time comes to pay back and you don’t have the money or resources to pay, then that is the beginning of the end of that business. So if you are going to buy more consumer goods for your business, make sure you have a financial budget that will enable you plan how you spend your income effectively. Don’t spend more than your earn or generate, reduce borrowing so that your business won’t be affected negatively.

  • Have a positive attitude and stop complaining:

When running a business, you have to be positive-minded, focused and stop the complaints to enable you grow and become a successful entrepreneur. Remember that for every problem, there is a solution, so instead of blaming the government for bad business policies all the time, endeavor to find the appropriate solution to keep your business alive, running and successful.

  • Ensure you dress properly:

As an entrepreneur, when you start running your business, be informed that your dressing matters a lot. Don’t get me wrong, am not saying that you should wear a very expensive suit, dress or shirt every day before you carry on with your business but rather try to ensure that your dressing is presentable and nice to the eyes. People tend to avoid businesses where the owner dresses in a not so pleasant manner but are willing to patronize someone else who dresses and appears well.

Remember, dressing good is good for business because you will be addressed by the way you dress. So, if you haven’t be dressing properly as an entrepreneur, better you start doing so today

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