Friday 22 July 2016

Interesting POETIC Quotes by Friday Ogba


1.    “The tears of the brave is a blessing to the parched earth, it rains so rare
from the sky of their eyes”

2.    “The spells that binds the flesh and the eternal soul is broken upon death, it is the moment of the betrayal of oneness”

3.     “for the hurt, for the happy love is worth it”

4.    “my hurt is a danger I’m willing to dare side by side your worthy love”

5.    “We are too deep in the hole of love; I do not need a saving from your captivity. I am home here”

6.    “tell a tale today the one that end with you smiling, it is your tale but do not lie to yourself”

7.    “a woman’s worth is measured by the treasures in her heart’s keep, not by the ash of her vain beauty”

8.    “Did God paste little stars in your eyes? They shine as the galaxy in the heavens”

9.    “I stood moon deceived , stole a greeting of noon that I gave to your respect; I have made a right forgery of my thoughts as the bright moon made me thought it was noon”

10.     “lies idle about in worries, only truth has a stable center”

11.     “angels do not need their wings to walk the right path, they need their feet like humans, to be human –to be human is not a flaw-”

12.     “sorrows day by day build tall and dooming monuments in our hearts, but joy comes and destroys them all in one instance”

13.     “the night still knew to look beautiful with fireflies, the stars and the moon without artificial light”

14.     “ we become gods when our love becomes the reason for our reason not to die, our self immortality –together forever-“

15.      “she said, you said but in the end you’ll both not agree to part at sunset”

16.     “doors and keys , the doors of the future and key foresight that sees through its keyhole”

17.     “things might be dull because it’s dark but wait until the stars come out”

18.     “here where your feet touches the earth is a good place to begin, there’s no better where”

19.     “could it be you, could it be true, could it be you who’ll steal my heart away”

20.     “love doesn’t ask for permission it just takes over your heart”

21.     “to know God is to know poetry”

22.     “God is too beautiful that is why the eye cannot view him whole”

23.     “if she doesn’t listen to you, sing those words into a song, the wise know what I mean”

24.     “what binds the soul to our body? Spirits are what we name things we do not know their source of energy”

25.     “the world outside my heart is the strangest of places”

26.     “I am conjuring the night to shelter my feign – a natural spell-

27.     “look at the stupid things I did because of you, it is true that I love you, but is love a stupid thing to you? If it is then you have the right quote but if it is not seek lesson from its irony?”

28.     “how do I dream you into being? Or should I trade reality for my dream?”

29.     “the moon suspends in the night-sky and forbade the floor of our vanity, our love too can reach the sky”

30.     “only love would hold a butterfly by its hand”

31.     “my sweet words woo those wrong words to sleep until it wakes”

32.     “flame and the flesh do not dine twice”

33.     “how do I stay this moment long enough to die in it?”

34.     “we should learn to touch with our hands as much as we do with our words”

35.     “it is not only by wishing but also by doing that dreams come true”

36.     “you came into the darkness of my life and I didn’t need light anymore, you are my sunshine”

37.     “take my eyes for no penny, own them let it be you alone is see”

38.     “you’re the dancing butterfly that cheers in my belly”

39.     “i had no hands but I couldn’t let go”

40.     “i could sing you a thousand sonnets into a song but a kiss is a million times more real”

41.     “I could make your eyes my sky in it to always search for my stars”

42.     “as I walk the world began to fell behind and the future became clearer”

43.     “you by my side should tell me my wrong more than a mirror could show”

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